Moby Litter III

On Thursday 14th July, the Department of Life and Environmental Sciences at the Polytechnic University of Marche organized and hosted the MOBY LITTER III event. This has now become a yearly meeting that brings together academics and researchers studying the impacts of plastic pollution, enterprises that develop innovative solutions to counteract plastic pollution, representatives of National and Regional institutions, and both local and worldwide environmental organizations to discuss the issue of plastic pollution in our seas.

The event is named after the steel whale hosted at the department, which was installed in 2020 to represent its commitment to marine ecosystems conservation, and now periodically receives plastic debris collected from Italian coasts by researchers during cleaning and dissemination events with high-school students and civil society.

Moby Litter is now a fixed appointment in the agenda to discuss the advancements made in marine ecosystems protection, and to build strong bounds among researchers, enterprises, and civil society towards sustainable development.

The recording of all the talks will be available soon on the university’s dedicated YouTube channel, in the meantime however we kindly invite you to Moby Litter IV, in summer 2023!


Frontiers in Marine Science Publication


VIII International Symposium on Marine Sciences